Monday, May 15, 2006


Ok, I know I have not been updated since like berkurun-kurun lamanyer, so yeah, should at least scribble something, hehe.

I am not going to be berpanjang lebar since it's quite late now and my beloved bed is waiting for me. Actually, there's absolutely no need to type this now as I'll be typing a longer post tomorrow. But, maklumlah, my fingers are very itchy and I don't want to garu it. So, have to type to ease the itchiness. That serve the purpose of calling this entry a pre-entry, my point is, IT SERVE A PURPOSE, that's all.

Nothing much I can talk about. I started my 2nd semester with a bunch of subjects, hmmmm, 5 subs actually. So far so good, but in the future, errrrr, I can't guarantee anything. Calculus being my favourite subject, because of the lecturer, love ya Ms Shanta. So far no homework yet, I think lecturers are waiting for the right time when everyone starts to get busy then only they give. Usually when they give assignments, they'll give like together or the deadlines are almost the same date. Sometimes I even suspect them having a meeting to discuss about deadlines amongst each other. Hmmmm, maybe, I don't know.

I think I'll be doing a serious entry tomorrow, hope I have time to. Please pray for me as I have like 8 hours lectures straight, WTH right, I know, poor me. I seriously can hear my bed, my bantal, my bolster and my teddies calling me, ok perhaps I am just hallucinating, but that means I have good imagination okay??? That's all for now, will write again tomorrow. =D

Fingers down,