Monday, March 19, 2007


I am very tired...

No, super tired is more accurate to describe my tiredness now...

Plus, I am sick again. Very very sick. If you want to talk to me, better bring me lots of tissue...*ha chiu*

I went to Lee Hom's concert 2 weeks ago and it was GREAT!!! Lee Hom is so HOT and that's certainly a fact if you have personally seen him before. He is super TALENTED!!! He can sing, he can dance, he can compose songs, he can play 4 or 5 musical intruments...*melted on the spot* If I am hardworking enough, I might be able to post some of the pictures. So, stay tune...

And and, C-Raze just ended!!! Yahoo!!! In case some of you are wondering what's C-Raze, let me explain it this way. C-Raze is INTI Subang version of Amazing Race(aik aik, I can hear people saying copy cat. shame on you.) but its main aim is to raise fund for charity. (ha, that makes thing clearer) Basically, teams are supposed to go from one checkpoints to another and perform some tasks. There were 11 checkpoints and 4 tasks.

It was fun to see teams rushing from one place to another. Not only the contestants, crews including me had to rush also. And and, the best part is, I lead the crews to the WRONG place!!! I mean, I know the way to Bukit Bintang, Tmn Jaya and Subang la, of course. Perhaps it was a bit stressful because I need to direct them to the right place, I actually made a few MISTAKES when I was directing. OMG!!! That's definitely a mistake LEARNT!!!

I took some pictures during C-Raze. Hopefully, when I have a little bit of time, I can upload it to show you how fun is C-Raze. Tak guna jer cakap dengan mulut. Must show some proof before you believe me. Ngehehe...

I just received my I-20 from Drake today. Orientation is going to be on August 21/22. I guess I'll be leaving Malaysia on the 18th or 19th of Aug. Damn, that's fast... Anyway, Drake seems to be a nice place for my major. And hopefully, I get someone I know as my room mate. *hinting to Rachel* hahaha...

Alright, I need to stop here. I have a really crazy week ahead. 2 Matlab assignments and 2 tests this week. Crazy ar? =D

Till then. Bye!

-.- Sigh.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

lee hom's concert

I am going to Lee Hom's concert in a few hours time... Can't wait... This is my biggest present from my parents before I leave Malaysia...

It's been a busy week with assignments due and test. I managed to hold on and here I am writing...

Will update once I have time... =D

Hushy -.-