Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i am happy!!!

Weeeeee...I am so happy...

Drake accepted me!!! And I was granted 15K USD worth of scholarship!!! Hopefully, Rachel gets it too, then we can go together... Drake, here I come!!!

But sad part is, I am going to leave Malaysia soon...

I will miss my family, all my friends, my bed, my books. my...everything :(

Right now, I need to concentrate and finish my 2 more semesters here...


Jaclyn said...

wow caroline, congrats on your acceptance to Drake and getting that scholarship! ^^ i've gotten accepted to UNL too, but i'm still waiting for 3 more unis to respond... so, you're sure about going to Drake huh? seems like so =).

time sure passes fast eh? i still remember so clearly when i was just a freshie in INTI...and now we're all leaving so soon! T_T i'm going to miss home too...but ah well, it'll be an adventure!

k la, wish you all the best in the coming sems! ganbatte ne~! ^____^

Anonymous said...

Congrats Caroline!
And Happy Chinese New Year! :D

Anonymous said...

Jaclyn -
thanks. and congrats on your acceptance to UNL. yupe i am sure abt going to drake and that's the only uni i applied to. time passes really fast. can't believe this is my 2nd year in inti. soon, we'll be off to us. all the best to you too!!! =)

Jessy -
hey, thanks. happy chinese new year to you too. did you apply to drake? if yes, i am sure they are going to reply you soon. =)