Thursday, August 03, 2006

Whatever it is...

Song of the Day - Write a Song by Shunza

I am currently in unofficial holiday mood now, half studying, half holidaying.

I just woke up about 2 hours ago. The first thing I thought of was what day is it today. Yupe, today is love-ly Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday. Then, the next day after tomorrow is loath-ly Saturday. Can I scream out loud? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Done. I will be having my first ever final examination on Saturday - LAN paper. And I am still blogging here. Come on, let me de-stress myself. This is the only place where I can do that, okay?

My college mate told me good news of her just now. Nay, I am not going to reveal her secret. She knows and I know can already lar. She is happy which makes me happy too, considering she is one of my closest in college. And please, don't waste anymore time of yours yea.

Since I have got no more things to rant about, let me just briefly tell you, a little bit of me : -

  1. I am just simply unpredictable. Well, I am an aquarius-ian, what do you expect?
  2. I am serious when it comes to matters like studies. But when it comes to playing, I might just be the most playful one.
  3. I dislike people who lie. They can just go eat themselves up.
  4. I detest people who don't give signals while on the road. If anything happens, don't blame anyone lar, blame yourself. Basic driving skill also cannot perform, go and learn your undang all over again lar.
  5. I love family and friends. Though I have quite a number of friends, but there are only a few that know me well and you know who you are.
  6. I love chocolate and music! Music is my life. Without music, who am I? Lee Hom's music is definitely my favourite.
  7. I sing at times. And some day, I wish to perform in some kind of gig and pity those who come to hear me sing. =P
  8. I have my own mood swing as well. And when I am moody, please let me be alone.
  9. I hate to memorize stuff. I might love to count, but I am totally hopeless in memorizing stuff.
  10. I do cry sometimes, but only when something matters to me. Don't ask me why. I am just as clueless as you.

I should be studying by now. Hopefully, I can do well in my finals. I'll pray for everyone and sincerely hope you'll doing the same as well. Happy studying and enjoy your life. =)

Fingers down,

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