Sunday, September 17, 2006

Song of the day - E Zuo Ju(Prank) by Wang Lan Yin

PROCRASTINATION has officially taken its toll on me. My 2nd semester results in fact, is a very good example. Not that I am particularly diligent, but at least in high school, I was still motivated to study in order to get into top 10 position(once in a while), top 5 position(once in every blue moon) or top 3(once in every sun-that-rise-from-the-west). Needless to elaborate further, I think you get my point. At least, sort of getting it.

I am currently in 3rd semester, which is an extremely short semester. I am quite thrilled as this semester is only 2 months long. But, at the same time, I think this semester is quite intense, as we have to finish our syllabus in 2 months. Imagine, you have to finish reading that be-hated buku sejarah of yours in 2 months, crazy or what?

Luckily, I have taken only 2 AUP subjects, which are American History I and Principles of Accountings II, plus Malaysia Studies. I guess it won���t that hectic, right? Fortunately, I have friends in all my lectures. I have Rachel in my AH and PA, Lynda in AH and Michelle in MS. Of course, there are other friends too, but these 3s are my Kaki Gila-Together. Things are so much better if the 3 of them around with Rachel being the teaser, Lynda being the amplifier and Michelle being the random-er.

Well well, I guess I better stop here now. I have lectures tomorrow from 12 to 6. Ahhhh, it will definitely be a tiring tomorrow. I will update my bloggie some other day if I ever have time. Wish you have a pleasant night and sweet dreams yea.

P.S. Before I leave, let me enlighten you with lyric from one of my favourite song, E Zuo Ju(Prank) by a talented singer, Wang Lan Yin. This song has been in my head since like forever. And the lyrics are quite meaningful, at least for those who have encountered their crush and fell in love since. So, here goes.

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