Thursday, November 16, 2006

Song playing in WMP - Torn (accoustic version) by Natalie Imbruglia

Okay, I know I have ditched my blog for like almost 2 months, I truly am sorry. I mean it, okay? A part of me don't feel like blogging and yet, another part of me want to scream out everything that is in my nearly exploded brain. So, I gave up and there I am, writing about my boring life. Hmmmm, do I sound like as though I am being forced? Nay, I am not. Instead, I am grateful that I finally have a chance to write what's mind. So here goes.

Well, it has been 2 weeks since my final examination ended. To be really really honest, I did not do well in all the 3 papers. But, to be really really honest again, I think I have done my best. *sigh* Mum, dad, please don't be mad at me. I swear I will perform better next semester. I solemnly swear.

AUP Farewell Nite for year 2006 was held after final examination. That event was organized to bid farewell to AUP students that are leaving this coming spring. Though not as grand as other big event, it was simply simple and warm as it was also a night to revive and remember. Remember what you may ask. Of course to remember all their moments of joy and sorrow while studying in ICSJ, as well as to remind them that friendship they have established in INTI will continue to last forever, even if it means for eternity. It turned out to bequite a success, I may say. At least everybody is having fun and enjoy the games, food and performances that was prepares. Thumbs up for everyone who made this event a success!

After AUP Farewell Nite, I went for ICSJ groundbreaking ceremony. Can you believe after so long, INTI finally decided to renovate the campus and it will complete in year 2008. Yes, read me, year 2-0-0-8. I would not be here to see and most importantly, use the new campus. Back to my point, ah yes, groundbreaking. I was in the kompang team, which consists mostly of INTIMA Exco, tension eh? Well, tension not, because they are just some nice people who have fun which serving INTI students.

I just came back from council camp a few days ago. It was really really really fun, mainly because I was there with a few kaki lepaks of mine. We did quite a lot of activities, which includes flying fox, rafting, candlelight talk, obstacle course and some indoor and outdoor games. I like flying fox the most, though the distance was a lil' bit short, but it was a totally new experience. All in all, I can summarize the stay in Dusun Eco in just one word, FUN! =)

To be continued...

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